Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Pumpkin games and activities

Time is flying and we have finished learning a our pumpkins.  We measured pumpkins, weighed them, opened them up and even made "fizzy" pumpkins. It was a busy week.

Ghost Poop!

Green Table Science today was all about ghost poop. Yes, you read that correctly!  We began by looking into our container and guessing what might be inside.  Most said that it was just water, but we had a few guesses of fish or sharks.  Then I asked kids if they had ever seen ghost poop (after we had a short discussion on how everyone poops).  I then put my hand in the water and told them it was ghost poop hiding in the water.  Most kiddos did not believe it, until they tried it themselves (oops - we did not get a no face pic of the kids feeling the poop).

The look on their faces was priceless when they put their hand in the water and felt "something" but could not see it!  After everyone had felt the "poop", we drained the container and "voila", a whole tub full of these clear, slippery, slimy, bumpy, wet, spheres (all their words, except sphere which was new to them today).  They were just water beads!  We poured some beads into giant tubs for the kids to play with for a while.  Sorry, another no pic.  It was just so exciting!  

Then we put the beads back in the original container and I told them that the ghost had left us a message.  When they could not find the message, I poured water into the container and magic happened!  The ghost appeared under the water beads with a message that said "BOO!"

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Fall Fiesta

It was a magnificent day thanks to all of our wonderful parent volunteers!  Thank you for spending the day with us and helping to make our day special.  It has taken me several days to download all of the magnificent pictures you all helped take and weed through them. It was quite a challenge finding pictures without kids faces!  I am sure your kids had a great time showing off all of their projects from Fall Fiesta. Here is a sneak peek into our day. 

Monday, October 13, 2014

Seeds Of Fall

We have spent the past two weeks looking at and exploring items you would find outside that are homes for seeds.
Items we have explored so far are:
  • apples
  • prickly buckeye tree cases
  • pinecones
  • milkweed pods
If you find anything that houses seeds, please send them in for us to check out!

Apples, Apples Everywhere!

It was apple week in preschool. We learned about all the parts of an apple, found the star hiding inside the apple, and played lots of apple games and activities.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

We made applesauce today!

The preschool was quite smelly today...  It smelled of apples!  We peeled, sliced, cored, cooked, smushed, and stirred tons of apples today to make applesauce. It was delicious and most of our little friends thought so too. Even the few hesitant ones all tried a taste.

We also did a taste test experiment.  We tried red, yellow, and green apples.  If we liked the taste of the apple color we tried, we would put a sticky on that part of the chart.  Then we counted up all the votes and made some conclusions about the results.  The PM class totals all came in at the same number! The AM was almost the same.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

A Mrs. D Favorite Story

One of my all time favorite stories is "The Liitle Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything".  We read the story over and over again as kids took turns later in the week helping to place the pieces on the magnetic board.  The old lady takes a walk in the woods and bumps into various pieces of clothing along the way.  The most fun part of the story is how each piece of clothing has it's own movement and noise in attempts to scare the old woman.  In the end, the clothing forms into a scarecrow to scare the crows away.  We also made a scarecrow project that is hanging on our classroom walls. 

Fall Unit Weekly Actvities

By far the most popular activity this week was the lentil beans, pom poms, and scoopers!  The second most popular was the leaf sort into paper bags attached to the table. Fall is such an exciting time of year for the kids with all the colors and changes!