Monday, November 17, 2014

Turkey Trot!

Despite the rain and the chill in the air, our turkey arrived and was ready to chase.  It all began with Mrs. Sumner announcing that she saw some turkey tail feathers outside.  We went out our door and there were feathers EVERYWHERE!  We had a grand time collecting them as we followed the trail into the Ripley Building.  As we walked down the hallway, out popped the giant turkey!  We chased that turkey to the end of the hallway and guess who it was?  Ms. B dressed in a purple feather cape and a silly mask.  We followed that turkey around the offices "gobbling" and shaking our tail feathers, while wishing everyone a "Happy Thanksgiving!"  After we made our rounds, we made a giant circle and did the Chicken Dance for all of the Ripley grown ups.  A fun way to kick off the season!