Sunday, May 3, 2015

The Bubble Lady Comes to Preschool

Miss Stella from the Science Discovery Museums in Acton came to visit us.  She showed us all kinds of ways to make bubbles and how to take care of our bubbles so they will be less likely to pop.  We discovered that no matter what shaped item you use to make your bubble, it will always become a "sphere"!

We all got to explore bubbles in a variety of ways.  We used all kinds of bubble wands, and even our hands to make bubbles.  We used paper funnel cups/horns to make bubbles and then to keep them up in the air.  We loved the bubble window!  If our hands were wet, we could push them through the bubble!  We also blew giant bubbles through the screen.

 Miss Stella showed us the wonderful world of bubbles.  Our most favorite thing though, was "POPPING" the bubbles!