Friday, August 28, 2015

Bug Lady Visit!

Miss Maire Anne (also known as the "bug lady" by the kids) from BugWorks out of Sudbury, came to visit us last week.  She brought with her many different creatures for us to look at, touch and explore.  She talked about their sizes, shapes, how they protect themselves, what they eat, and how they grow.  She also talked about where some of them came from.  WE LOVE THE BUG LADY!!

Below we had large meal worms that turn into beetles as they mature.  She even showed us a beetle that pretends it is dead to protect itself from predators.  One of the meal worms shed it's skin during the presentations that day (second plate picture with one meal worm and skin).

Here is a giant grasshopper.  He does not fly, his wings are too small, but he does have red under his wings that he can show to say "don't eat me, I taste bad"if something tries to eat him.  The plate with the "second" smaller grasshopper is actually another skin that was shed by the grasshopper that she brought to show us.  She brought a praying mantis baby and a mother one for us to look at and a walking stick.

Below is a hissing cockroach and two kinds of millipedes.  See the cute baby millipede below?