Sunday, September 27, 2015

Animal Adventures!

Animal Adventures visited preschool last Tuesday!  Both classes had a wonderful time with Zoo Keeper Emily.  She showed us many animals that had fur and scales.  We got to learn about them, see them up close, and even touch any animal we wanted to.  Below are photos of the animals.  I was able to find a few pics without faces of the kids touching the animals.  You'll have to wait for the end of the year preschool movie for some special ooh and ahh faces!

The baby rabbit named "Nugget" was only 5 weeks old and it was her first trip away from mommy.  She brought along her sibling "Chicken" to keep her company on the journey.  She was one of the kids' favorites.  The skink gets its' name from their blue tongue.  Mrs. Hill and I tried to get a pic of the tongue, but he was too fast for us!  The lizard was surprisingly soft to touch and the spines were not sharp at all!

The ferret was a bit smelly.  Kind of like a wet dog!  The kids were in complete giggles watching him do the hula dance and get folded in half, backwards!  Who could not love that little face?  The skunk was HUGE!!  It was getting ready to hibernate for the winter.  This skunk was very special because of it's unusual coloring.  The stink of the skunk was taken out, so no smelly skunk!  The kids were quite impressed with the baby alligator.  At their zoo, they have an 8 foot long alligator!  The alligator's mouth was taped closed so he would not take a nibble of someone's finger.  The kids were very happy to hear that the tape does not hurt him.

Another favorite animal was the chinchilla.  If you have never pet a chinchilla, you will never believe how soft they are!  Chinchillas are great climbers and hide from their prey in very tiny spaces.  The PM kids got to have a chinchilla sit on their head!  We also got to see the chinchilla get "squished" into a taco and a burrito.  This showed us how they squeeze into those small spaces!  Can you believe that we have corn snakes here in Massachusetts?  They are very afraid of vibration, so they often slither away quickly and hide from us.  They are harmless and the kids were amazed at how smooth the snake was.

Agh!  The boa is by far Mrs. D's least favorite creature friend!  The kids were oh, so brave to hold the boa in their laps!