Monday, November 30, 2015

Body Unit

Who knew that learning about our bodies could be so much fun.  We sang a lot of songs with movements and dancing around, such as "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, I Have Ten Little Fingers, Where is Thumbkin?, Johnny's Hammer, The Hokey Pokey" and many more!  We played games making bodies like Mrs. Potato Head, drawing faces galore, and making playdough fingers and mouths with bean teeth.  We worked on our small finger muscles by stringing yarn hair into tiny holes.  Do you like our "crime scene" bodies?  We didn't call them that with the kids, but they sure look like them!  We made these bodies by tracing around one of our friends with blocks!  They LOVED that activity!

A favorite circle time game was Body Twister.  Instead of the typical hand and feet body part pictures, Mrs. D changed the parts to such things as head, knees, elbows, noses, bottoms, thumbs, etc.  This game got everyone giggling and rolling in laughter!   We learned about Mat Man and how to draw bodies from the top down.  We even explored our fingerprints with ink and magnifying glasses to see the swirls and patterns.  We weighed ourselves and measured how tall we are!  We looked at our skin, hair, and eye colors to make self portraits.

Later on, we moved from body parts to the Five Senses.
Listening with our ears = Hearing environmental noises on the CD player and figuring out what they were.  Making beautiful music by following a letter strip for which keys to press.  Listening to funny noise buzzers as we played a senses game.  Smelling with our noses = We had smelly jars to figure out what the smell was.  Tasting with our tongues = We had sweet, salty, and sour taste tests.  Feeling with our hands = We used feeley jars and used our mystery box to touch things and try to figure out what was hiding inside.  Seeing with our eyes = We looked around for colors of things and played "I Spy with My Little Eye".  Mrs. Bailey played a fun senses game where we rolled a dice and got to have a question that used our eyes, ears, or hands.

GYM this week was just so much fun!  Each child got a strip of sticker dots.  They ran around chasing each other to put dots on our bodies!!  We learned about the letter X for Xray. 

A favorite story was the Napping House.  Mrs. Bailey played "Partner to Partner" where kids had to stick body parts together with their partner!  The vibrating squiggle pens were a hit as well.  We also played with body part rhymes to draw a person on our white board.  We also got to make lots of silly faces and play with emotions during our unit.  Below the kids are "fishing" for feelings and sorting them into trays.