Sunday, November 22, 2015

Turkey Trot!

Last Thursday, we participated in our annual Preschool Turkey Trot.  Fun was had by all as the kids followed the trail of brightly colored feathers that led out of our classrooms, down the walkway, and into the Ripley Building.  As the kids frantically gathered all of those feathers, they met up with a giant turkey in the hallway.  It was Ms. Balmuth (our Occupational Therapist), wearing a feather cape and a fun mask!  We followed Ms. B around the Ripley offices greeting everyone with a "Gobble, gobble, gobble.  Turkey has a waddle!" and wishes for a wonderful Thanksgiving.  After making our way around the offices, we completed our trot with a giant circle of preschool kids and teachers putting on the "Chicken Dance".  It was a fun day for all!